Yingjie Gao

Yingjie Gao 

Yingjie Gao
M.S. student,
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Beihang University, 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China
Email: gaoyingjie@buaa.edu.cn


Hello, my name is Yingjie Gao. I am a first year graduate student of School of Computer Science and Engineering in Beihang University, supervised by professor Di Huang.

I received my B.E. degree from College of Software in Jilin University.

Research Interests

My research interests include


Awards & Honors

Excellent Graduates, Jilin University, 2020.06
National Scholarship, 2019.10
1st Level Award in Mathematics competition of Chinese College Students, 2018.11
1st Level Award in Mathematics competition of Jilin College Students, 2018.11
1st Level Award in Jilin Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2018.08